Christmas, Let it linger

I used to rush to take the tree down and put the lights away before the New Year began. It made sense to begin the year fresh. That is until one day it didn’t make much sense.

Once I became a mom and I began to relate more to the little mother of Jesus, it dawned on me how quickly the world loves to rush you through the most wonderful moments of life. Mothers spend nearly 10 months preparing our bodies to give birth, Fathers preparing their hearts to recieve a child. And then once the child is delivered we are rushed from our birthing beds into only a few days of recovery. The world rushes in to welcome little ones and then quickly disappears into its bustle of activity. The newborn and their family left to cope to the newness of their lives all the while the world drifts onward. It’s not too long before it drifts back demanding you come out and show the world what’ve you’ve done to raise them “proper” and life goes from birth to death in a blink of an eye.

That is when I learned the Art of how to linger.

In the stillness of afterbirth comes the craving for a more peaceful life. I wondered how many had craved it and if any had found it. That’s when I saw anew the beauty of the orthodox traditions. Yes there is a place for those who wonder to remain in the stillness. The Church has not only seen the little mother’s heart but she has protected it for centuries like a light that beckons to the weary traveler.

Christmas is not an event to be rushed through. It ought to be cherished like a newborn in our hearts. In fact if we are doing it correctly we would celebrate Christmas all year through. Ten months to prepare for his coming and at least two months to enjoy him anew.

Imagine my joy to discover I wasn’t alone in this thought. And neither are you. Deep down it’s what you’re craving. For time to slow, to catch your breath, to lay down and rest.

So join me and the Church and let’s linger a while.

You have permission, little momma. Lay down with your newborn gift and ponder it all in your heart.

It’s ok to keep the lights lit and take your time unwrapping The Gift.

#12daysofchristmas Celebrate from Christmas to #EpiphanySunday to #candlemas

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