The Pendulum Promise

When I started my journey of faith with the Lord, it began with a promise. I cried our from the pit and he heard my cry. I had cried out before, but this time was different. This time I was ready to believe. This time I was ready to give up doing things my way. This time I didn’t just cry out, I took hold of His promises. I grasped for His hand. When God says he will meet you, He means it. His promises are true. All it takes to attain them is your “Yes.”

“Yes, Lord, I will follow you. I will follow you through the valley of despair. I will follow you lower even still. I will follow you. Only spare my life and bring me into the fullness of your joy. Your word promises a joyful life. If you are who you say you are then it must be true. So I say, Yes, Lord. I will follow you. This is my Yes. I’m trusting in you. Show me the way. I belong to you now. Your way is my way. Lead me into the summits of Joy.”

I had little understanding of the Scriptures then. How could I know that even my words of commitment had already been written in them and his promise to do as I asked was already assured. I found my Pendulum Promise written in the Psalms. The Jews believe that King David wrote them specifically for every Jew from then unto the Last Day. It was as though he could see every soul that would believe in Messiah to come and the Lord permitted him to write his promises for every situation life would bring, to encourage them to keep on.

Faith is the substance of things hoped for. The ability to trust in what you cannot see and BELIEVE that one day you WILL see them!

My whole life I searched for something true to believe in and there has only ever been one man I could trust with my heart. His name is Jesus. He is always faithful. He has lead me out of that pit. There were days I cried and I begged for a new way to deliverance but his eyes always beckoned me forward. His love always overwhelmed my heart. And in those moments where my soul felt his gaze, I felt invincible. There was nothing more I wanted than to run to him. I would’ve crawled through hell and back again if it meant I would see his face in every breath. I am prepared to do so now.

It is true that joy can look a lot like sorrow. But I can assure you that no amount of Hell is worth avoiding if it prolongs your peace and the joyous love of your Savior. Sometimes the best way up is down. What you will learn in the pit are all the virtues you will need to appreciate joy.

We must not despise the sorrows of our life, in them are the gems to our salvation. Stars can only be seen at night. The Light shines brightest in the Dark.

His promises are true. He will bring you out. He can be trusted.

– Excerpt from my forthcoming book “Waking Eve” by Kim Engel

Give us joy corresponding to the days You afflicted us, the years we have seen adversity. {Psalm 90:15}

1 thought on “The Pendulum Promise

  1. Pingback: The other side of the Pendulum – surviving COVID, miscarriage, and the secret to a full life! – Sheerah Ministries

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