Because I “GET” to!

On the day that Jesus died, when He took his last breath, the veil in the holy of holy‘s was split right in half! Can you imagine that moment?

I am sure there was a whole range of emotions from fear to excitement to unbelief! What did the veil represent? What limitations did it represent?

You see the veil separated the holy of holy‘s. God‘s presence resided in the holy of holy‘s and the veil kept the majority of the people out. But when Jesus Christ died on the cross it ripped the veil and the Holy of Holies open and proclaimed “whosoever will!” Because of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ we have an opportunity to walk boldly into the throne room of God! We are welcomed into his presence! Yet so much of the church complains about not wanting to pray. Why is that?

Yes I think it is spiritual warfare. But I also think that it’s because we have forgotten what a privilege it is to stand in the presence of God, communicating with Him, making requests of Him, having a personal relationship with Him!

I have learned over time to start my sentences differently.

Instead of saying “I have to…,”

I have learned to say “I Get to….”

I get to do the laundry for my family. I get to cook and serve my family! I get to go to church today and worship with my sisters and brothers in Christ! I get to go to work today! I get to drive my car! And I get to pray! Because of Jesus we are able to walk into the throne room of God Almighty and make our request known to him! 🔥🔥🔥

Lord Jesus, never let it be unnoticed by your daughter that it is a privilege and an honor to be able to pray to you!

Let us know your thoughts? Were we right on or do we need more coffee?