Little Foxes and a Game Called Cricket (a Snapshot of Authentic Love)

People say, Beware the little foxes.

The little foxes aren’t the problem, the large gaping hole in your garden fence is the problem.  Look to fixing it and the foxes will go play in someone else’ garden.

Trust can be a gaping hole. People say, Once it’s broken it takes a lot to earn it back.

People say, Forgive and forget.

Forgiveness looks like a baseball thrown through a glass window.  You may have said you’re sorry and retrieved your ball, but the broken glass window still lies shattered on the floor.  Forgiveness says, I’m sorry. Love says, I’m willing to help you repair it.

It takes willingness to love.  Willingness is hard.

Love says, I’ll help fix the hole. Love says, I’ll help heal the wound.

People say, What does this Love look like?

The woman of adultery.  If ever there were a Man who showed the Greater Love, it was He who, having had no sin and possessing all justice to throw the stone, instead set it aside and offered out His hand to help her rise.

But Love says, Go and sin no more.

Yet even He continued to eat among sinners.  He never cast them out of His presence.  Even those who would offend Him, who did betray Him, He chose to walk among them. They were willing to let Him walk with them. He who, had the greatest justification to condemn, chose instead to love by dying for our transgressions.  He who still has the Greater Love is the Love that flows in you.

But even Love says, It’s a hardened heart that allows for divorce.

Yes, it is the hardened heart that says, I’m unwilling to do what needs to be done.  It is not Love that says, I will not fix it, I will not repair, I will not heal the wound.  Love does not act solely from duty, but penetrates the heart and transforms it from the inside out.

Love says, I am unafraid to love.

Love calls you up.  Love beckons you to see higher. A willing heart will see Love grow.  It’s His promise, because He says, He will be among them when two come together in His name, and He is love. It is done. Love wins. As long as hearts are willing.

It takes willingness to love.  Willingness is hard.

This is why there is no greater courage than love. Willingness means the presence of effort, and the presence of effort means there is work to overcome.  Whenever there is overcoming, there is opposition. Opposition has an Adversary.  Adversaries bring fear.  Fear is their best tactic.  There is no fear in Love.  When you are willing to overcome, you say to the Adversary, I am unafraid to love.  Love says, I want to see what it looks like, perfect Love in me!

Love is hopeful.  Love is excited. Love can be apprehensive, but it’s never anxious. Love can be scary, but there’s no need to fear what is in the dark when Love IS the Light. Love reveals itself to you.  You can actually see what perfect Love looks like.  So long as you know what Love is, then you can know what love is not.  Endure for perfect love, and Love will consume you.  Love will look like Jesus.  Love will be Christ in you.

Sometimes hardened hearts say, They cannot go on.  Love is un-offended.
Love says, I understand, and I love you still.

Sometimes weakened hearts say, they cannot overcome.
Love says gently, I love you but I hate that you see only your weakness because I see much more in you!

Sometimes hearts say, They cannot stay, they cannot endure.
Love says, It’s okay to go. I will miss you and long for the day when you might return home.

Love knows that even it cannot love enough against a man’s will. But a Love that is willing, that kind of Love will go on loving forever. Love knows that neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate itself from true Love. And then, Love endures through the overcoming that comes. Love can be selfless as it prays for a fullness of Love for the hearts who are hardened, for the weak and offended, for the tired and undone.  Love can look at fear and death in the face of its enemy and say to it, Yes, I can Love even you.

People say, Ha! True Love is a fairy tale.
Love says, Arise, my dearest. Hurry, my darling. Come along with me! I have come…to draw you to my heart and lead you out. For now is the time, my beautiful one.

Now here is a poem about a game called Cricket:

I run. You run.
We chase together after the ball.
You are you.  I am me.
I do what I do best.  You do what you do best.
Together we chase after the ball.
When You get there first. I am by your side.
I yell, “With you” and you know I am near.
When I get there first. You are by my side.  You yell, “With you” and I know you are near.
Together we pass the ball.
You score. I score.
I score. You score.
We win.

When God is with You, True Love wins.

The Bridegroom King –
You must catch the troubling foxes,
those sly little foxes that hinder our relationship.
For they raid our budding vineyard of love
to ruin what I’ve planted within you.

Will you catch them and remove them from me?
We will do it together.

-Song of Songs 2:15

*Scripture references for contemplating
Song of Solomon 2:15
John 8:1-11
Isaiah 53:4, 5
Romans 5:18
Matthew 9:11
Matthew 19:8
1 Corinthians 13:4-7
Romans 8:39



By Kim Engel
Founder of Sheerah Ministries

Kim is mother of two children, Author, Speaker and lover of the Word. She has a heart for encouraging women to Awaken to their God-given gifts and callings and to see the Body of Christ come together in unity as it continues the mission of Jesus Christ to bring love to the world in the hope of salvation and by the power of the Holy Spirit. She is founder of Sheerah Ministries, a collaboration of women intent on sharing the good news and inspiration of Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit through teachings, retreats, speaking engagements, writing, media and the arts. Follow Kim on her Facebook page and on Instagram and Twitter @WakingEve or contact by email at SUBSCRIBE to our blog to keep updated on Sheerah Ministries blogs by contributing partners, news and events.


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