Tag: prayer

Why I Hope I’m Left Behind, Our Lady of Akita, and the Coming Chastisement

Sr. Sasagawa is not a publicity hound. She does not write letters to the pope. She does not give interviews. After the conclusion of her apparitions and the related investigation (the local Bishop approved them as genuine and Rome declined to render any further approval or judgement) she did what a Religious is supposed to […]

How Sincere Are You with God? Tamim in the Days of Awe

And Ezra blessed the LORD, the great God; and all the people answered, “Amen, Amen,” lifting up their hands; and they bowed their heads and worshiped the LORD with their faces to the ground. The Levites, helped the people to understand the law, while the people remained in their places. And they read from the […]

Developing Godly Character in the Omer

The Seven Characteristics of God Why should we Count the Omer in the days following Easter and leading up to Shavu’ot/Pentecost? Because these days are the climax of God’s expression in us! Having prepared our hearts to know and receive God’s nature during the 49 Days of renewal and preparation that we are commanded to […]