The Passion of the Christ: Resurrection

A PROPHETIC DREAM: I had a dream this week wherein the Lord showed me during prayer that He would tell me of things to come as I slept and I would recieve special graces to remember the dream and interpretation. I offer this dream more for a record of remembrance for myself, and because it relates to urgency of conversion for those who have been praying for loved ones to have a deeper conversion and foundation to weather what comes.

In my dream I was shown that this is the season for miraculous conversion. Places you’ve not expected to see growth for a long time to come will suddenly burst forth with little effort. You will be so amazed by the spontaneous bursting forth in hearts of people around you toward conversion that you will be overwhelmed by God’s grace and begin to wonder if this is the long awaited “Revival” or “Harvest”. But it will almost seem as disbelief because it will not follow any programs or protocols the Church is used to. It is as though Someone else is driving the conversion and you are only privileged to bear witness. You will feel compelled to use the gifts of the spirit but they will not have time to activate before hearts around you are suddenly opened. Many will begin to try and lay plans to steward it but just as momentum seems to be at full swing, suddenly it will be impossible to reap. Efforts to sow into conversion will bear no fruit and people will be hard hearted. This will seem strange because it will be also a time of great glory for the Church. In my dream I saw Jim Caviezel and it was as though Jesus himself could appear before people during that time and they will not convert. I knew this prophetically to be understood as a time frame. The context of the time for conversion is NOW until this movie comes out. Even if this movie is delayed, once it arrives, the time for conversion will be stale. Men’s hearts will have heardened and no amount of stirring up the gifts will effect. Pushing the plow will cause great strain. We will only be able to watch as Jesus walks among us and no one turns a head except those who recognize him already. There will be weeping, a joyful sorrow, and a feeling like “this was it”. At least for a time. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL HE IS REVEALED. IT WILL BE TOO LATE.

🙏🏼 Praise God for the spontaneous harvest to come. Let us lay down our plans and make room for His. Keep hope for the prayers you have sewn will soon bear fruit. And if there are prayers you need still to pray, or conversation of reconciliation and forgiveness, have them now that all your prayers may be answered and nothing will stand in the way of the time for conversion. NOW IS THE TIME. God’s Will be done.

Let us know your thoughts? Were we right on or do we need more coffee?