Month: November 2017

The Lesser Lights

#MoonGlow #NoFilter “And God made the two great lights—the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night—and the stars.” {GENESIS 1:16} #ShineBRIGHT ⭐️ “Moon Talk with Jesus” When was the last time you just sat with Him? The Maker of the stars? I mean just sat and let conversation […]

Hallelujah is Thanksgiving

All Praise belongs to God. “Hallelujah! Praise the Lord.” God Our Father instituted it as the seat of His authority long before Jesus entered the Scriptures and long before Catholics, Protestants and Pentecostals branded it “Charismatic.” Blessed be the name of the Lord from this time forth and forevermore! From the rising of the sun […]

Little Foxes and a Game Called Cricket (a Snapshot of Authentic Love)

People say, Beware the little foxes. The little foxes aren’t the problem, the large gaping hole in your garden fence is the problem.  Look to fixing it and the foxes will go play in someone else’ garden. Trust can be a gaping hole. People say, Once it’s broken it takes a lot to earn it […]

Why I proudly share my Marriage with Braveheart and Veterans Day 11/11

I remember the day we went to get our wedding rings engraved. It was 10 years ago now but I recall it still like it happened yesterday. We were young, broke and in “love.” I say “love” in quotes because we didn’t actually know real Love, yet. The Jewelsmith behind the counter was a kindly […]