
The Jesse Tree Journals

Lectio Divina from the Jesse TreeA SLING, A TORCH đŸ”„, A CHARIOT, AND A LION 🩁- Days 15-181 Samuel 17:1,4,8-11,32-37,40-511 Kings 3:5-28; 2 Kings 2:1-13; Daniel 6:4-5,7-13,17-28 “Only a youth.” I shared a dream once with an elder brother, in it lay the depths of truth and I wondered at why the Lord would have […]

The Jesse Tree Journals

Lectio Divina from the Jesse TreeLITTLE BOYS – Day 13 👩& 14 🎋1 Samuel 3:1-21; 16:1-13 “Not yet.” How often I have heard it spoken of the youth, “You’re not ready. You’re too young.” And yet, here is little Samuel, in the care of the elder Eli, sleeping in the same room with God “when […]

The Jesse Tree Journals

Lectio Divina from the Jesse Tree RUTH & NAOMI – Day 12 đŸŒŸ Ruth 1:1-8 “A Man from Bethlehem left home with his wife.” There’s a saying that ‘mama doesn’t know what mama doesn’t know, until she knows it.’ I don’t think I fully began to understand the beauty of Ruth and Naomi’s relationship until […]

The Jesse Tree Journals

Lectio Divina from the Jesse Tree LAWS & WALLS – Day 10 đŸȘš& 11 📯 Exodus 19:1-11; 20:1-17; Joshua 6:1-20 “I am speaking to you now from a dense cloud
so that the people will be faithful to you.” When the Israelites encamped at Mt. Sinai for the first time, the glory of God was concealed […]

The Jesse Tree Journals

Lectio Divina from the Jesse TreeMOSES & MANNA – Day 8 đŸ”„ & 9 đŸ„–Exodus 2:23-3:17; 16:1-15,35 “The angel
as fire.” In the Psalms (104:4) and later in a letter to the Hebrews, we are reminded how “he makes his messengers winds, and his servants flames of fire.” In this world, we’ve become so accustomed to […]